Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Capricorn (魔杰座) (mo jie zuo)


Release date: 15th October 2008

Jay Chou's ninth studio album, for the first time ever Jay Chou combines his interest in magic with his beloved music, the result is a fantastic album. With the theme of magic, cards figure significantly in the design of the album, from the first promotional poster to inspiration behind songs. Jay Chou wants to tell you the story of the battle between the Magician and the Joker. The title of the album in Chinese cleverly combines the three meanings - magic, Jay's name and the star sign Capricorn. All three are closely tied to Jay Chou himself. Magic is not the only theme of the album, the cover of the album, which took a month to complete, is based on a fantasy setting that is described in track 1.

1. 龍戰騎士 (Dragon Rider) (long zhan qi shi)
2. 給我一首歌的時間 (Give Me The Time For One Song) (gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian)
3. 蛇舞 (Snake Dance) (she wu)
4. 花海 (Sea Of Flowers) (hua hai)
5. 魔術先生 (Mr Magic) (mo shu xian sheng)
6. 說好的幸福呢 (Where's The Promised Happiness) (shuo hao de xing fu ne)
7. 蘭亭序 (Lan Ting Preface) (lan ting xu)
8. 流浪詩人 (Wandering Poet) (liu lang shi ren)
9. 時光機 (Time Machine) (shi guang ji)
10. 喬克叔叔 (Uncle Joker) (qiao ke shu shu)
11. 稻香 (Fragrance Of Rice) (dao xiang)

The Era (跨時代) (kua shi dai)


Release date: 18th May 2010

Jay Chou's long awaited 10th album that coincides with his 10th year in the music business. A celebration of the incredible music this amazing artist has produced over the last decade. In this album he tries some new styles bringing a completely fresh and new side that listeners have not heard before.


1. 跨時代 (The Era) (kua shi dai)
2. 說了再見 (Said Goodbye) (shuo le zai jian)
3. 煙花易冷 (Fireworks Cool Easily) (yan hua yi leng)
4. 免費教學錄影帶 (Free Instructional Video) (mian fei jiao xue lu ying dai)
5. 好久不見 (Long Time No See) (hao jiu bu jian)
6. 雨下一整晚 (It Rains All Night) (yu xia yi zheng wan)
7. 嘻哈空姐 (Hip Hop Air Hostess) (xi ha kong jie)
8. 我落淚。情緒零碎 (I Weep. My Emotions Are In Bits And Pieces) (wo luo lei. qing xu ling sui)
9. 愛的飛行日記 (Love's Flight Diary) (ai de fei xing ri ji)
10. 自導自演 (Directed And Acted By Yourself) (zi dao zi yan)
11. 超人不會飛 (Superman Can't Fly) (chao ren bu hui fei)

Opening his 100th concert, Jay Chou Want To be like Alan Tam

Jay Chou has been out for 10 years, yesterday night he took a step closer to the milestone of selling tickets for the 100th concert, he smiled saying: "It feels like over 100, I hope I can be like Alan Tam, Fei Yu Ching, breaking records and singing till I'm old."

On the 11th Jay Chou arrived in Xi An international airport, nearly 1000 fans queued up to welcome him, besides wearing t-shirts printed with "Jay Chou", they also held a banner to welcome him, they shouted together: "Xi An Jay fans welcome you."

Director Chou wore white sports clothing and trainers, he looked relaxed under the protection of his bodyguards, even the 22 seconds passed by in a flash, there were still fans going crazy, some who didn't get to see Director Chou collapsed on the floor crying, some were also pushed to the ground.

Jay Chou is 31 this year, it's been claimed he is the youngest Chinese artist to break 100 concerts, at the beginning of 2008, he held a concert in Japan's Budo Kan as the first artist from Taiwan, he said proudly: "To an artist, being able to hold a concert in the Hong Kong Coliseum or Budo Kan is a very big honour."

Jay Chou's concert tour periods are the longest, each concert lasts for 2 to 3 years, it stars at Taipei every time and moves onto the rest of the world. He said: "I try harder away from home." Each concert has more nights than the previous, his latest "The Era" concert has already reached 50 venues, each destination is continuing to add more nights; Director Chou once held 7 nights in at the Hong Kong Coliseum, he will be holding 8 nights soon, he will set a new record for holding the most nights at the Hong Kong Coliseum for a Taiwanese artist.

Yesterday night the tickets for the 100th concert went on sale, it attracted the support of 30,000 fans, Director Chou said: "100 is a very round number, originally I wanted to film the fans into an MV for this special milestone, but I've played with that before, so I might just sing a few more songs; after all when it gets announced at the concert, I think the fans offstage will be very high."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Curse Of The Golden Flower (滿城盡帶黃金甲) (man cheng jin dai huang jin jia)

Curse Of Golden Flower

Release date: 14th February 2007

Director: Zhang Yi Mou

Cast: Jay Chou, Chow Yun Fat, Gong Li

Descripton: China, Later Tang Dynasty, 10th Century. On the eve of the Chong Yang Festival, golden flowers fill the Imperial Palace. The Emperor (Chow Yun Fat) returns unexpectedly with his second son, Prince Jai (Jay Chou). His pretext is to celebrate the holiday with his family, but given the chilled relations between the Emperor and the ailing Empress (Gong Li), this seems disingenuous. For many years, the Empress and Crown Prince Wan (Liu Ye), her stepson, have had an illicit liaison. Feeling trapped, Prince Wan dreams of escaping the palace with his secret love Chan (Li Man), the Imperial Doctor's daughter. Meanwhile, Prince Jai, the faithful son, grows worried over the Empress's health and her obsession with golden chrysanthemums. Could she be headed down an ominous path?

Initial D (頭文字 D) (tou wen zi D)

Initial D Movie

Release date: 24th August 2005

Director: Andrew Lau, Alan Mak

Cast: Jay Chou, Edison Chen, Shawn Yue, Jordan Chan, Anthony Wong, Chapman To, Anne Suzuki, Kenny Bee

For five years, 18-year-old Takumi has been delivering tofu in his father's obsolescent Toyota AE86 every morning. Not only has he become a good racer, but he has also unwillingly perfected the art of drifting.

He was never an aficionado of hill racing until he is asked to drive his AE86 in a David and Goliath race against Night Kid's GTR. A glorious but unexpected victory awakens the competitive genes in his blood, while his overnight fame inevitably leads to hellraising races one after another, each one more perilous and exciting than the previous one.

Hidden Track (尋找周杰倫) (xun zhao zhou jie lun)

Hidden Track Movie

Release date: 15th January 2004

Director: Anbrey Lam

Cast: Jay Chou, Shawn Yue, Pou Lok Tung, Deep Ng, Chen Ching Hsiang, Daniel Wu, David Ng, Denise Ho, Emme Wong

Descripton: Young girl Pu Pu, who has been given up by her boyfriend, was given hope when she heard Jay Chou's limited edition song "Hidden Track". Pu Pu decides to go to Hong Kong to search for Jay Chou's album hoping to recapture that burning feeling and her bright yet distant dream in her life.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jay Album (杰倫專輯) (jie lun zhuan ji)

Release date: 31st October 2000
Jay Album is the groundbreaking debut album from the talented writer Jay Chou. Featuring a fresh r&b style and wonderful lyrics from Vincent Fang, Vivian Hsu and Jay himself. All the tracks on the album are composed by Jay. The first track Lovable Woman features the lovely Vivian Hsu in the music video. Every track has a music video except for track 8, although there is a KTV which was not made by Jay.

1.Lovable Woman (可愛女人) (ke ai nü ren)
2.Perfectionism (完美主義) (wan mei zhu yi)
3.Clear Stars (星晴) (xing qing)
4.Wife (娘子) (niang zi)
5.Bullfight (鬥牛) (dou niu)
6.Black Humour (黑色幽默) (hei se you mo)
7.Istanbul (伊斯坦堡) (yi si tan bao)
8.Old Indian Turtledove (印地安老斑鳩) (yin di an lao ban jiu)
9.Tornado (龍捲風) (long juan feng)
10.Clock That Goes Backwards (反方向的鐘) (fan fang xiang de zhong)