Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Era (跨時代) (kua shi dai)


Release date: 18th May 2010

Jay Chou's long awaited 10th album that coincides with his 10th year in the music business. A celebration of the incredible music this amazing artist has produced over the last decade. In this album he tries some new styles bringing a completely fresh and new side that listeners have not heard before.


1. 跨時代 (The Era) (kua shi dai)
2. 說了再見 (Said Goodbye) (shuo le zai jian)
3. 煙花易冷 (Fireworks Cool Easily) (yan hua yi leng)
4. 免費教學錄影帶 (Free Instructional Video) (mian fei jiao xue lu ying dai)
5. 好久不見 (Long Time No See) (hao jiu bu jian)
6. 雨下一整晚 (It Rains All Night) (yu xia yi zheng wan)
7. 嘻哈空姐 (Hip Hop Air Hostess) (xi ha kong jie)
8. 我落淚。情緒零碎 (I Weep. My Emotions Are In Bits And Pieces) (wo luo lei. qing xu ling sui)
9. 愛的飛行日記 (Love's Flight Diary) (ai de fei xing ri ji)
10. 自導自演 (Directed And Acted By Yourself) (zi dao zi yan)
11. 超人不會飛 (Superman Can't Fly) (chao ren bu hui fei)

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